Sunday, March 10, 2019

Godot Engine to Keynote ICGJ 2019!

ICGJ 2019 is proud to announce our Morning Keynote: Rémi Verschelde from Godot Engine!

Godot is a cross-platform compatible open source game engine that has gained a lot of interest within jamming communities around the globe. Rémi Verschelde, a project manager from Godot Engine, will present the story of the engine for the participants of ICGJ 2019.

Title: Why Game Jammers Are Falling in Love with Godot
Speaker: Rémi Verschelde, Project Manager, Godot Engine
"Simplicity, power and small footprint combined make Godot the fastest growing game engine among game jams. Learn what this new, free and open source game engine brings to game jams and game development."