Themes and topics

ICGJ 2019 invites scholars to submit research relevant to game jams, hackathons and game creation events from various points of view, disciplines, methodological perspectives, and theoretical frames.
Here are some topics for inspiration:

Emerging topics and issues:

VR, AR and XR on game jams and other game creation events
Local and global cultures of game jams and other game creation events
Comparative studies of game jams and other game creation events
Politics and critical studies of game jams and other game creation events
Game jams and creation events at game studios
Organizers’ role on game jams and other game creation events
Role of development tools on game jams and other game creation events

Established topics and issues:

Tools and technologies used or produced at game jams and other game creation events
Impact of game jams and other game creation events
Participation motivations and group dynamics at game jams and other game creation events
Creativity and innovation at game jams and other game creation events

More topics:

Creativity, innovation and ideation in game creation events
Critical and comparative studies of game jams and hackathons
Free labour and other ethical issues of game creation events
Community building
Game creation cultures
Maker cultures
Communication skills and other skill formation at game jams
Educational dimension of game jams and hackathons (formal or informal)
Connections between the game creation events, formal education and game industry
Incentives and rewards in game jams and hackathons
Role of theme and other constraints on game jams
Facilitation in game creation events
Interplay between game jams and other development events
Variety of the format of the events, event methodologies
Analysis of jam games
Game design issues in game jams
Design constraints and framing of game jams and hackathons
Design philosophies and schools of thought of game jams and other game creation events
Game jams and hackathons at game companies
Game jams vs. commercial game development
Game jams and hackathons as intermediaries
Game making as a hobby
Game jam and hackathon impacts
Impacts of game jams and hackathons
Superjammers, jam-nomads and jamming as a lifestyle choice
Team dynamics and social aspects of the game creation events
Local developmental cultures
Game jam and hackathon methodologies
Game jamming as prototyping method
Diversity issues in game jams and hackathons
Political game jams and politics around game jams
Game Jams as tools for (game design) research
Game jam and hackathon attendance: who and why?
Wider ecosystem and mediators’ role in game creation events
Group dynamics
Team formation
Live development and game development as a performance
Multidisciplinarity in game creation events
Game jam and hackathon resources and assets (art, animation, music, sound, etc.)
Rapid application development
Tools and technologies in game jams and hackathons
Use of obscure technologies
AR, VR, XR technologies
Game jams and hackathons as a platform for emerging technologies